Thoughts, writing & snippets

Marguerite Koole, PhD

Identity Accelerator #3: Mystery Guest

mkoole, · Categories: Educational technology, Identity, Teaching



This activity is a based on the old Canadian TV series “Front Page Challenge”. According to the Museum of Broadcast Communications, this quiz show “featured four panelists, usually well-known journalists, who would ask yes-or-no questions in an attempt to correctly identify a mystery challenger connected to a front-page news item, as well as the news item itself. After the panelist had guessed correctly—or been stumped—they would proceed to interview the challenger”.


Naturally, this activity is ideal for social studies or political science classes. However, this idea can be used in nearly any class. In my case, for example, I would consider selecting someone who is an expert in instructional design or and educational learning theory.








Teacher responsibilities



Mystery Guest would be an ideal activity for beginning a unit on a specific topic. For example, if I were starting a research methodology unit on design-based research (DBR), I would consider inviting Dr. Terry Anderson to join the activity. Advance preparation (in collusion with the guest prior to the session) of interview questions/discussion would include topics such as




I would provide a rating of this activity, but I have yet to try it.


Note: for an introduction to identity accelerators for online teaching and learning visit this previous entry.

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