Thoughts, writing & snippets

Marguerite Koole, PhD

PhD studies update: draft proposal submitted . . .

mkoole, · Categories: PhD Studies · Tags: , ,

Yes, methinks ’tis time for some fun tomorrow!
(Oh wait . . . -32 celcius tonight and chilly tomorrow; it’s just not fair! I have one friend in Kenya and one in the Canary Islands. It sucks to be me.)

I’ve just submitted the first draft of my proposal for peer review. And, I’ve downloaded a couple others to read and offer friendly critiques.

And, we have just been notified of our official thesis supervisors. Good news. Great supervisor.

Now the work to pass the confirmation (candidacy) panel is approaching. The game is afoot.

PhD Proposal: Getting Started

mkoole, · Categories: PhD Studies · Tags: , , , ,

That's me!It occurred to me as I exercise my avoidance and procrastination muscles, that it might be beneficial to start a blog. I’ve spent several days now jotting down ideas of how to get started on my PhD proposal. Obviously, the best way is to simply get started.

So far, I have started writing the first two paragraphs explaining the philosophical orientation of my intended work. Then, I started creating folders for the most significant aspects of the proposal:

I am now ready to type out the headings for the main sections of the proposal.

The main thing to keep in mind is the scope of the proposal: 3000 words.