Thoughts, writing & snippets

Marguerite Koole, PhD

Tools for Mobile Learning

mkoole, · Categories: Mobile learning, Teaching

Technologies useful in mobile learning

This list is being developed as I sit and listen to workshops and presentations at the Mobile Learning Week at UNESCO Headquarters in Paris (February 17 to 21).

I’ll clean up this list when I get a chance:

Interesting technologies

Nifty Tools for Instructors

mkoole, · Categories: Teaching

Before using any of these tools, check the legal agreements. In some cases, you might forfeit ownership over your creative work. Nonetheless, these are some useful tools. For the most part they are free except where indicated. If you know of any additional tools, let me know . . . leave a comment.

Quiz tools


Concept Mapping


Video Creation


Image Capture


Online Multimedia Posters


iPad tools


Mobile Tools